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20141213高绪仁膝肩关节SCI论文研读会knee&Shoulder Journal Club

2014年12月13日,江苏徐州高绪仁膝肩关节镜手术团队在徐州医学院附属医院(徐医附院、徐州二院)新病房大楼九楼北区骨科医生办公室进行了20141213高绪仁膝肩关节SCI论文研读会(Dr. Xuren Gao knee & Shoulder Journal Club)。

本次研讨的论文题目是:Arthroscopic repair of small and medium-sized bony Bankart lesions徐州医科大学附属医院骨科高绪仁

通过此次高绪仁膝肩关节SCI论文研读会(Dr. Xuren Gao knee & Shoulder Journal Club),高绪仁膝肩关节镜手术团队的成员进一步加强了对复发性肩关节脱位骨性Bankart损伤处理的理解,对于指导高绪仁膝肩关节镜手术团队进一步开展复发性肩关节脱位骨性Bankart损伤的诊断、治疗、科研进一步打下了良好的基础。


Am J Sports Med. 2014 Jan;42(1):86-94. doi: 10.1177/0363546513509062. Epub 2013 Nov 22.

Arthroscopic repair of small and medium-sized bony Bankart lesions.

Kim YK1, Cho SH, Son WS, Moon SH.

Author information



There has been no study about treatment guidelines for arthroscopic repair according to the size of bony Bankart lesions of less than 25% of the glenoid width.


To evaluate the results of arthroscopic repair for bony Bankart lesions managed with different repair techniques based on their size.


Case series; Level of evidence, 4.


Between March 2005 and February 2009, 44 of 52 consecutive patients with bony Bankart lesions with a size of less than 25% of the entire glenoid were managed with an arthroscopic approach. Of those patients, 34 (77%) were available for outcome analysis at a minimum 24 months' follow-up (mean, 34 months; range, 24-60 months). The size of the fragment was measured by computed tomography (CT) and classified as small (<12.5% of the inferior glenoid width) and medium (12.5%-25%). Sixteen lesions were classified as small (small group), and 18 were classified as medium (medium group). For small lesions, capsulolabral repair using suture anchors without excision of the bony fragment was performed. For medium lesions, anatomic reduction and fixation using suture anchors was performed, and the adequacy of reduction was assessed by CT postoperatively. The visual analog scale (VAS) for pain score and modified Rowe score for bony Bankart repair were compared and the postoperative recurrence rate investigated.


One patient from the small group (6.3%) and 1 patient without anatomic reduction of the bony fragment in the medium group (5.6%) experienced traumatic redislocations. The mean VAS score improved from 1.7 preoperatively to 0.5 at final follow-up, and the mean Rowe score improved from 59 to 91 (both P < .001). The mean postoperative Rowe scores increased from 58 to 92 in the small group and from 60 to 91 in the medium group (both P < .001). Residual joint incongruity measuring ≤2 mm on both axial and coronal scans, which was considered an anatomic reduction, was present in 14 cases (77.8%) in the medium group. In the medium group, the mean postoperative Rowe scores increased from 60 to 95 in cases of anatomic reduction compared with an increase from 56 to 76 in cases of nonanatomic reduction. The Rowe score was statistically correlated with anatomic reduction of medium-sized bony fragments (P = .046).


In small Bankart lesions, restoration of capsulolabral soft tissue tension alone may be enough, whereas in medium lesions, the osseous architecture of the glenoid should be reconstructed for more functional improvement and less pain.


anterior instability; arthroscopic surgery; bony Bankart lesion; shoulder

上图:江苏徐州高绪仁膝肩关节镜手术团队在徐州医学院附属医院(徐医附院、徐州二院)新病房大楼九楼北区骨科医生办公室进行 20141212高绪仁膝肩关节SCI论文研读会(Dr. Xuren Gao knee & Shoulder Journal Club)。

上图:江苏徐州高绪仁膝肩关节镜手术团队在徐州医学院附属医院(徐医附院、徐州二院)新病房大楼九楼北区骨科医生办公室进行 20141212高绪仁膝肩关节SCI论文研读会(Dr. Xuren Gao knee & Shoulder Journal Club)。

上图:江苏徐州高绪仁膝肩关节镜手术团队在徐州医学院附属医院(徐医附院、徐州二院)新病房大楼九楼北区骨科医生办公室进行 20141212高绪仁膝肩关节SCI论文研读会(Dr. Xuren Gao knee & Shoulder Journal Club)。

江苏省 徐州市 徐州医学院附属医院 徐医附院 徐州二院 骨科 运动医学 关节镜 高绪仁 Dr. Xuren Gao knee shoulder arthroscopy 高绪仁膝肩关节SCI论文研读会 Dr. Xuren Gao knee & Shoulder Journal Club 复发性肩关节脱位 骨性Bankart损伤 肩关节损伤 肩关节疼痛 肩袖损伤 关节镜 微创手术 SLAP损伤 肩关节镜微创手术 肩关节镜手术技术 肩关节镜手术 肩袖损伤 肩袖撕裂 Rotator cuff tear Rotator cuff repair 巨大肩袖撕裂 中国 美国 法国 肩关节镜专家 肩关节镜手术专家 运动医学科 肩 教授 江苏徐州高绪仁膝肩关节镜手术团队 江苏省 关节镜 江苏省 骨科 江苏省运动医学 Dr. Xuren Gao Shoulder arthroscopy expert speciliast The affiliated hospital of Xuzhou medical college, Xuzhou,Jiangsu province, China 美国 肩关节镜 肩锁关节脱位 肩关节镜



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